Dave Ellis Stag Hunter - Ellis forged 114 layer Damascus (1084 and 15n20). Sambar Stag (Premium Grade) Scales inset with Decorative Pin. Blade is approx. 5.25",OAL is approx. 10".Handforged Blade with Random Pattern.No sheath comes with this knife. Photo - Dave Ellis
Mastersmith Hunter - Damascus Blade and guard, Mastodon Ivory spacer and Walnut Burl Grip - Sold for $700 Photo - Weyer of Toledo
Damascus Hunter - Damascus Blade, Sambar Stag Slabs
Sold for $500 Photo - Weyer of Toledo
Urban Hunter - 320 Layer (A023E and 1095) Pool and Eye blade. Mokume guard. Grip is composite of Desert Ironwood and Sambar Stag with Desert Ironwood buttcap inset with decorative pin. Sold for $1200 Photo - Weyer of Toledo